The Wood Line is the second work by the Andy Goldsworthy in his ongoing exploration of the Presidio, especially its man-made forest. On this very site in the late 1800s, the Army planted eucalyptus with rows of Monterey cypress interspersed, part of its program to create a green canopy all around the Presidio. Conditions did not favor the cypress and they died out, leaving open gaps. It offers a quiet and beautiful spot for environmental portraits.
I am usually on location 15-30 minutes early if you arrive early and are anxious to get started you can call/text me and I will meet you at our meeting location. My number is 915-274-7495. We will start and end at the agreed time. Due to scheduling I am not able to accomodate staying later due to late arrivals. Build in extra time to traffic delays, fashion emergencies, and parking disasters.
Let's meet by the intersection of Broadway and Lyon
You will want to enter instructions in your GPS to this interstestion. If you enter in Lyon Street Steps it will take you to the wrong place. You can use this link.

Street view of the intersection.